


Foto:FCB-Berlin-Udo Lauer 1985

He was born in Sicily (Castellamare del golfo ) where he graduated in political science in 1963 and at the beginning of 1965 he moved to Rome .
At secondary school he studied and painted and since then he has always worked and painted.
After his specialization in international commerce , he was taken on by the institution responsible for italian public promotion with offices worldwide and he lived abroad for many years (ivory coast , Germany and India)
He came back to Italy he lives and works in Rome.
His pictorial activity and the other,practice - however stimulating ,acquire equal and growing importance and particularly painting feeds his existence."to live is to paint", he writes in some his reflections .
Since the end of the seventies , gallery managers, critics and the press have dedicated attention to him , particularly but not only in Germany.
In Rome he has connections with many artists and private collection

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Copyright Angelo Navetta - 2002 tutti i diritti riservati